A live re-telling of the Christmas Story
Date: Thursday 12 December, 6.30pm
Christmas Carols, Live Animals, Music and more.
Our little advert for 2024
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Click on the link right here to grab your free tickets from Eventbrite.
Volunteer to help make it happen.
We need litter-pickers, a choir, ticket-takers, actors, programme-handers, and more. Want to help volunteer to make this happen? Sign up here.
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Photos from the 2024, 2022, 2021 and 2020 performances.
Sadly Year one (2019) it was rained off.
Christmas Live 2022.
In 2022 we held our third Christmas Live event.
Mr Olly Cheshire from Douglas Town Centre Management
(otherwise known as Mr Christmas)
and a number of local groups,
gave Douglas a huge treat for the whole family:
- Unity Dance School gave us some pretty awesome Angelic dancing;
- Manx Gateway Drama Group provided our costumed characters;
- There were real, actual, live sheep there to see and stroke before and after;
- Spinnin' Vannin Performing Arts exploded onto the scene with much needed fire-angels!;
- Isle of Man Scouts and Girlguides, entered with a lit candle literally from Bethlehem itself, it had travelled by road and air ... The 'Peace Light' candle;
- Ruth Keggin-Gell (Manx Language Development Officer) taught us all a Manx Lullaby;
- We sang along with a brilliant 'karaoke' Christmas re-write, and upbeat trad carols along the way;
- Richard Costain popped over from Liverpool just to sing "O Holy Night" for us, before returning for a concert with the Liverpool Philharmonic!;
- The Salvation Army Band warmed us all up with trad tunes as we entered;
- Judith Ley from Manx Radio helped promote the event far and wide;
- Volunteers from various churches and communities across the Isle of Man gave us a band, picked litter, checked tickets and gave out programmes;
- Rev Alex Brown (Pioneer Minister) provided co-ordination, presenting and planning;
- Emma Nudd from Broadway Baptist Church was co-presenter;
- Switched On Events were all over the stage, sound and lights;
- Tevir Group opened up the use of Villiers Square for us;
An unforgettable Christmas Fix for the family.
© Christmas Live 2021